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Individual talk

Each talk will be 20 min (15 min + 5 min discussion). For a talk, please submit a 250 word abstract via the form in the ConfTool system. Each abstract should follow the guidelines for structuring the abstract. The abstracts will be reviewed by the board of organizers and/or selected experts in IAEA. Author- and reviewer-supplied keywords will facilitate the review-assignment process. The members of the scientific panel will oversee all review procedures and make the final decision on acceptance.

Notification of abstract acceptance for talks will be sent by April 1st, 2016. We cannot guarantee that all authors' preferences for oral presentation can be fulfilled. Depending on the number of submissions we receive, we may ask some presenters to change from a talk to a poster. Authors will be informed in the acceptance mail if this is the case.

University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0